Tag Archives: parenting advice

Parenting Advice for Every Age: Tips for Raising Amazing Kids

Happy family raising amazing kids

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Raising Amazing Kids

Raising children from newborns to adults is an incredible journey. But it’s also very difficult. All parents want to raise happy, healthy kids that enjoy success in school and thrive as adults. But what is the best way to set your children up for success? While there is no perfect parenting strategy, there are actions you can take to encourage the development of healthy habits and ensure your children feel supported through every life stage. Here are some great resources to help you along your parenting path!

Encourage Healthy Habits

A healthy home environment will encourage your kids to get enough sleep, eat healthy, exercise, and avoid risky behaviors.

Best Ways to Help Children Fall Asleep at Nap Time

9 Ways to Encourage Indoor Kids to Play Outside

How to Build Healthy Eating Habits in Kids

Be Mindful of the “Whatever It Takes” Veggie Approach

4 Parent-Tested Systems You Can Use To Limit Screen Time

Clearing Bad Energy from Your Home

Get Involved

Children are less likely to develop bad habits and engage in dangerous behaviors when their parents take an active interest in their lives.

An Age-by-Age Guide to Bonding With Your Child & Teenager

7 Educational and Entertaining Activities for Young Kids

Practice Active Listening with Your Children

Make Holding Family Meetings a Priority

11 Ways Parents Can Get Involved in Schools

Teach Key Life Skills

Teach your children to cook, clean up after themselves, budget their money, and make plans for the future. These life skills will come in very useful when your kids become adults!

How to Teach Your Kids to Cook

12 Ways To Raise Financially Confident Kids At Every Age

The Benefits of Kids Doing Chores

The Age-by-Age Guide to Teaching Kids Time Management

How to Teach Kids Social Responsibility in a Connected World

Find Information and Resources

Visit Health Vista to explore a collection of clear and practical health information and quality educational resources to heal the body and mind.  If your child has emotional or behavioral problems, consider reading about the use of a coping plan at https://healthvista.net/a-great-way-to-plan-ahead-use-a-coping-plan/.  It is also possible that the music that your child listens to could be making it harder for them to cope.  You can find some examples of inspirational music at https://healthvista.net/inspirational-music-for-teens/.

Be Kind to Yourself

Parenting is a learning process. If you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re not alone! Since every family and every child is unique, it can be hard to know what’s best for you and your children. As long as you love your child unconditionally, praise their good behavior, and spend as much time together as possible, you’re bound to raise amazing kids.

Blog Post # 24 added 1-27-21.  Written by Guest Contributor Kristin Louis.  Visit her website at https://parentingwithkris.com/